5 Ways to Find New Content Ideas

Hey there,

If you’re struggling to find new ideas for your content, here are five things you can do:

1. Interview or survey customers

Talking to your customers is probably the best way to uncover topics you should cover with your content.

You can either send out an email survey or interview customers to find out the pain points they’re dealing with right now, what they’d like to learn more about, and what kind of content they’d like to see more of from your brand.

2. Talk to customer-facing team members

Customer-facing team members, such as sales and customer support reps, talk to potential and existing customers all day.

Talk to them to learn more about the most common questions prospects and customers have, as well as the most common issues they’re dealing with.

3. Review your existing content

Your existing content can be a great source of inspiration for finding new topics to cover.

Review your existing content and check what’s missing.

For example, what’s still unclear after reading through your content? Which subheadings warrant their own dedicated article?

4. Monitor social media

You can use social listening tools like Mention or Brand24 to learn about topics potential customers talk about.

Social monitoring solutions also usually let you set up alerts so that you can learn about and react to trending topics as soon as possible.

5. Check out niche forums and communities

Whatever industry you’re in, there are bound to be forums, communities, subreddits, and Facebook or Slack groups dedicated to it.

Find places where people in your target audience gather and find out which topics they talk about.

Looking for help with content marketing?

I help B2B SaaS companies drive growth through strategic, product-led content marketing.

My clients include companies like Semrush, Hunter.io, Hubstaff, and Lineup.ai.

Here are a few things I can help you with:

  • Content strategy – I can create an effective content strategy for your brand that will allow you to generate leads, signups, or demo bookings consistently.

  • Content writing – I write blog posts, ebooks, case studies, reports, white papers, and more.

  • SEO & Link building – I can optimize your content for search engines and build high-quality links that will get your content to the top of search results.

  • Fractional content management – You can also hire me as your fractional Head of Content to help you drive growth through content marketing at a fraction of the cost of a full-time hire.

Interested? Book a time on my calendar here or check out my website here.


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